Saturday, 4 August 2012

There's a blog cupcakesclothes 
Maybe when i was a child i didn`t play dolls enough, but damn, i like clothing and accessories of this girl.  
I myself would never wear bows or ribbons in my hair, but these caramel dresses, handbags of sweet paste colors, lace socks - would wear with joy.

Of course this girl is fucking fat, but hell, i like the way she dresses!
I have almost no waist. I had to bend to see anything.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

These shorts cost 50 rubles (about 1,5 dollars) to the flea market in St. Petersburg.  
I do not like shorts at all, but these ones are wonderful, they sit well even on my fat carcass, don`t they?

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Yesterday i ate 600 kcal. It was the first day of ABC.
This morning i nearly fainted, i had a strong weakness. 
But never mind, i can face it out!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Here, i weigh about 52 kg (114,6 lbs). These skirt and a shirt were worn only a few times.  
I want to wear them again!
Today is another try to diet myself. I`ve eaten tuna and popcorn (about 500 kcal)
I want to ask, is there any difference between Prozac and Fluoxetine?
I can not do that, i either have to eat - eat a lot, or stupid not to eat.
I've got the money, a lot of money and all i will spend it on Prozac, i will drink to 60 mg per day.
My own strength of will is weak.

Friday, 6 July 2012

I got into my pants, and a month ago they were too small to be buttoned at my paunch! Yahoo! 

But today i have failed. My diet failed. Again.